Our Christmas Day this year was full of excitement as both of our boys are old enough now to look forward and anticipate it's coming. We had a great morning together here, then headed to church. I must say that I really enjoyed the fact that Christmas fell on a Sunday this year. After church, we came home and had our friend Violet for our Christmas lunch. It was my first time to cook a HUGE turkey with all the sides and we all enjoyed the holiday feast.
The feasting didn't stop on Christmas Day. Here in Scotland, the day after Christmas is a holiday too....Boxing Day. On Boxing Day, we went up the road to our friends, The Frasers, for a wonderful meal and day of fellowship. The Frasers are always so sweet to the boys and this year they had made a Quest for the boys through their house to find their Christmas presents. They wrote an amazing poem to send them from spot to spot. They ended in the Dragon's den where they had to feed it (Andrew) some chocolate so it would be nice enough to hand over their gifts. Caleb didn't know what to make of Andrew in a large costume, but Dan bravely gave him teh chocolate....so fun! All the adults had a good laugh too.
Well, I hope this update finds you all well. Happy New Year!